Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Philadelphia Fierce: Inaugural Post

Welcome to The Philadelphia Fierce! I've spent the last couple days thinking about starting this blog, what would I call it, what would I write on it, what is it supposed to be about....etc, etc. I just left work early and took a nap and the name Philadelphia Fierce, like the fierce force of Philadelphia, came to me in a dream. Some of my best thinking comes from napping, I swear. So never let anyone tell you that napping is lazy.

But as far as what this blog is about, I'm not really sure if it's about anything. It's just really whatever comes to mind at the moment. So if you like what I'm talking about, that's awesome keep coming back. And if not, then in the words of The Big Lebowski, "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man".

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