Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ketchup: Nectar of the Gods

I don’t believe in wasting ketchup. I will eat way more fries than is necessary to avoid leaving one drop of ketchup. Actually I usually carry ketchup packets just in case I run into a situation that I might need it and it may not be available or worse-if they have only organic ketchup. Organic ketchup is a ketchup bastard child, an abomination something Seattle-ites and Californians invented to torture the rest of us like the word “hella”.

I'm not hating on Seattle though. Other than the ketchup and people who look like homeless people but aren’t so you have no idea who to keep your guard up around, Seattle is pretty freaking cool. One of these alleged homeless men walked right up to me in a bar and I thought he was gonna steal my purse but it turned out he was just one of these mountain men asking if we could switch tables.

Things I love about Seattle:

One of my best friends and her fab boyfriend and two other friends of hers that I really like live there.

There's a dormant volcano (OR IS IT?!?) and I have always had a special place in my heart for geology. Until I got a C in it my junior year and it screwed my whole GPA. Rocks for jocks? I don't think so.

Best. Asian Food. Ever. Except maybe in Asia but I’ll have to get back on that when I’ve been there.

You be the judge.

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