Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bar Ferdinand & Xochitl

So my friends from Seattle were in visiting and I decided to take them to Bar Ferdinand for dinner last week. Bar Ferdinand was awesome, everything I had was delicious. Having had a rough day before this dinner date, I had the Bebida Rosada, a pomegranate cocktail and it was awesome. Naturally like all other liquids, I drank this as fast as possible. While gesturing with my ice filled glass and exclaiming that the Patatas Bravas is the best potato dish on the planet, I lost my grip on the glass and it went flying into the air. Having been in this glass breaking restaurant situation many times before, time slowed down and I miraculously caught the glass midair. However, the ice escaped me and sprayed the waitress, my friends, and several tables nearby. I was hysterical laughing, but no one else seemed as entertained as I was. This was in the first 15 minutes of the meal, not a very elegant impression left on Bar Ferdinand.

The next day I took them to Xochitl for Happy Hour Margaritas. I have a tendency to get in involved conversations with strangers and Xochitl was no exception. Halfway through my first margarita I was coaching the stranger next to me who was about to propose to his girlfriend. Me, the bartender, and my friends all became really involved in this decision. By the end, I wasn't sure if any of us were ready for him to get engaged we were all really nervous and torn up inside. The only problem is, I'll never know how it ended.

This picture has nothing to do with any of this but I think it's really funny. If all mice dressed up, I'd probably welcome a few of them in my home to see what their personalities are like and they would be much more popular around Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. That is so not a mouse. That is totally a guinea pig. But the costume is still awesome.
